A Walk-Through BET Procedural Standards (1 CEC/1 AIA LU/HSW)

This new course called "A Walk-Throuugh BET Procedural Standards" includes 4 modules:

Introduction to BET : This module provides a high-level review of building enclosure testing and its importance to the construction industry.

BET Equipment & Instrumentation: This module outlines typical instrumentation requirements for performing building enclosure testing.

BET Project Team: This module highlights the key individuals and responsibilities that make up a successful project team for building envelope testing.

BET Testing Standards: This module outlies the following building enclosure testing standards:  NEBB Procedural Standards for BET, USACE Protocol, ASTM E779, ASTM E1827, ASTM E1186 and ASTM C1060.

The audience for this content includes:

  • Any professional looking to become familiar with building enclosure testing
  • Architects, engineers, building commissioning agents
  • Building owners, operators, and facility maintenance/management personnel
  • Building facility, building auditors, and safety professionals
  • Energy auditors
  • Technicians and managers experienced in building enclosure testing who are seeking to become certified in this discipline.

Each Module has a video to watch and then you will have to answer 3 out of 5 True/False questions correctly to earn your certificate and CEC.  You will earn 1 NEBB Approved CEC for this entire course.  

** This course is now approved for 1LU/HSW for AIA continuing education credits **
